Muai - Grammar - Organizers
sonki hunti

Muai organizers correspond to some English conjunctions and punctuation marks.
.liai mieko timansi tiu tipanti tiu tiliemi.
She likes apples, bananas, oranges.
Muai organizers can be used together with the corresponding punctuation marks themselves, that are syntactically redundant, but help make the text visually clearer.
.liai mieko timansi, tiu tipanti, tiu tiliemi.
She likes apples, bananas, oranges.
As it's explained in other section, in Muai, commas also indicate a rest, a small interval of silence. An alternative is writing :tiu: when its colons indicate that "tiu" relates what comes before it to what comes after it.
.liai mieko timansi :tiu: tipanti :tiu: tiliemi :tui.
She likes apples, bananas, oranges.
.liu timansi liu tipanti lui hento sifiu liu lusiaki liu lulieli lui.
Apples and bananas [they] are respectively red and yellow [they are those].
Just like "tiu" can be written as :tiu:, "liu"can be written liu: (the first one) or :liu: as well:
.liu: timansi :liu: tipanti :lui hento sifiu liu: lusiaki :liu: lulieli lui.
Apples and bananas [they] are respectively red and yellow [they are those].
.liai mieko timansi tiu tipanti tiu tiliemi hiu liu timansi liu tipanti lui hento sifiu liu lusiaki liu lulieli lui.
A natural punctuation with "hiu" would be a semicolon or a period.
.mui tuohi miu fiehi miekou.
More men than women love.

.kioi mieko piu hituai pui tituai.
I like animals more than plants.
.miu tuohi mui fiehi mantou.
Less men than women feel.

.tiei piu kuomeu pui siokou.
You eat more than you play.
.piu tiai-fiehi tiu tieu kinti pui hento himanti.
(She and your kid) they are humans.
Your kid and her are humans.
You may want to write "piu{ __ }pui" or "piu: ____ :pui". That's fine!

.niu Margaret Thatcher nui hento fiehi.
Margaret Thatcher is a female.

You may want to use quotes together.

Siu� Niu: Margaret Thatcher :nui.
Siu� Huai-nou. Kiu� liai hainfeu �kui. Hiu luei hente fiehi.

� Margaret Thatcher is a man.
� No. � he affirms � She's a woman.

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